History & Current Status
The Gate Church Community is seeking a full-time lead Pastor. We began in 2010, dreaming and praying of a church that is not merely a place where one goes, but an instrument that displays to all the world what God’s kingdom is like. As such, our church is not one place among many, but a community in which we find meaning through the ways of Jesus.
In our culture, the relationships we form, and the sense of belonging people experience, determine much of our discipleship journey. We want to include people no matter what their starting point is spiritually. Hospitality, invitation and inclusion is foundational to the Gate thus, we have always tried to root ourselves in the fabric of community.
This commitment to being “present” has guided us. We began in the neighbourhood utilizing community centres for corporate worship.
From there we grew into basing from a school building, becoming a key part of school life and community life. The Gate was invested in supporting school run initiatives and created community programming in the neighbourhood. Unfortunately, changes in school board policy regarding school rentals prompted the next chapter of our journey, and we were excited to become part of the Brandon University campus.
Our time with the University was just getting started when it ended prematurely due to covid, as the University closed to students and public.
Since then we have been meeting in the Legion Hall, and are seeking the next area of community engagement God will lead us on.
The Gate Church Community continues to experience a commitment to our vision and finances are running at a good level.
The past couple of years have been transitional, navigating through Covid and seeing our pastor of 10 years respond to a new call in his family life.
We as the Gate Church Community will miss them, yet strongly believe God has been guiding and are excited about what is yet to come.

We are a church that cares about community.
The Gate Church Community is a group of Jesus-followers who prefer people to programs. We’re a great bunch, deeply committed to working together in God’s mission to bring peace and hope and love to the world through Christ.
We envision developing and sending out people who will team together to plant a variety of missional community groups. We envision our movement bringing life to neighbourhoods, transforming isolation, addiction, anxiety, and poverty into wellness, righteousness, peace, and joy in God’s abundant Spirit throughout Brandon and beyond.
Core Beliefs
At the heart of who we are, we seek to capture a strong commitment to a biblical faith, and a strong commitment to the practices of faith.
Faith and practice combine as we strive to be faithful followers, to participate in God's restorative purposes, to demonstrate care and compassion, to experience the fruits of the Spirit, to be known for hospitality, to lead in healthy relationships, and to be part of families that nurture faith and love.
We believe that theology and doctrine are priorities for the Christian church, and we proclaim unashamedly our commitment to the Christian faith. Furthermore, we believe that theology and doctrine translate into a life committed to the work of God. Although none of us have attained, we strive to care in tangible ways so that community can taste and see the goodness of God among us.
Our full Articles of Faith, Articles of Practice, and Bylaws are available upon request.

Distinctives & Church Culture
The Gate Church Community believes in being rooted in community, and being physically present. As such, we have not owned property but prefer to lease/rent in locations that matter.
"Church" for us happens outside of Sunday morning, being Jesus to others. We are a very welcoming group, encouraging people to come as they are. We are a safe place for people to belong, accepting, caring, inclusive and non-judgmental.
This commitment to relationships is key, superceding dependence on events, living out faith without religious programming.
Location & Context

The City of Brandon is a community of just over 50,000. Brandon’s population growth over the past decade has kept pace with the fastest growing cities in Canada. There are many opportunities in Brandon available for individuals, families, business, and the faith community to grow and flourish. There are resources available on the City of Brandon Economic Development site which can give people more information that are considering moving to Brandon found here:
The Gate is one of almost 40 places in Brandon where one can choose to participate in the faith community. A list of most of the different churches in Brandon can be found here:
The Gate has good relationships with many other churches in Brandon. We have participated in numerous community initiatives, and are very connected with important Brandon ministries and non-profit organizations.
Challenge & Opportunity
Challenges will come in establishing and training people to lead in the neighbourhood. Community groups and Bible studies comprised of church people are edifying and life-giving. Moving beyond that towards hospitality and inclusion of others is a growing awareness and commitment.
The Gate Church Community has an incredible core of gifted and talented people, united in commitment to each other and ministry. That said, we are a small church and there is always a need for wise leadership to ensure volunteer health and strong teams are well focused and cared for.
Tremendous opportunities for the Lead Pastor will be found in joining a talented and unified group who care deeply about what goes on around us. Opportunities to shape direction, refine a sense of practical mission, and participate in the web of existing relationships and partnerships are life-giving and present unique opportunity in pastoral ministry.
Our church has recently completed a series of focus groups to capture our heart, strengths and growth areas. Current, and future, directions for ministry will be exciting discussions with interested candidates.
Position Description
Reporting directly to the Gate Church Community (GCC) Board, the Lead Pastor is responsible to provide spiritual oversight and executive leadership for the Gate Church Community. Aligning with the Mission and Vision of GCC, the Lead Pastor will ensure connection and growth in all areas of Ministry. This includes but is not limited to the following:
The Gate’s emphasis for leadership places a premium on the body of Christ on God’s mission rather than Christendom’s sometimes typical concern for the church’s institutional maintenance. In general, the role of the leader needs to be less task oriented and more thematically oriented around a community engaged in making a difference. Rather than beginning with a list of institutional or consumeristic needs, and then designing responsibilities and tasks to address and provide answers for those needs, the role description for our leader needs to be formed around the “missional questions” that God is stirring in us. This becomes a way of living, not a task.
Maintain a life of ever-increasing righteousness, joy, and peace as you journey in authentic community with members of Gate Church Community. We also believe in “Establishing Healthy Small Groups” as a key opportunity for discipleship and coaching.
Personal Growth & Care
Make time for health. Engage in personal prayer, Scripture study and personal reading. Nurture family and have time together. Find people to have lunch with, find a favourite conference or mentor that is inspiring and building. Participate in continued learning for personal and spiritual growth.
Community Care and Relations
Create a culture of authentic community by modeling, encouraging, teaching, and creating space for community ministry. Mobilize volunteers (and future staff) by recruiting and coaching, providing alignment and guidance for outward vision.
Community Groups
Develop a network of groups that form and regularly re-form their identity as Kingdom-of-God communities in Brandon, providing people places of belonging, meaning, and purpose, doing good works and making disciples.
Teaching and Worship Celebration Gatherings
Oversee all aspects of Worship Gatherings, developing ministry teams and leading the fabric of corporate times together for encouragement, exhortation and equipping. Demonstrate skill in studying the Scriptures and communicating its truths with accuracy and reverence in a way that is relatable, interesting and applicable. Encourage an atmosphere that is warm, genuine, releasing and reverent.
Co-develop and maintain a strategy for welcoming people into the relational and visionary core of our community. Ensure that there are entry points to this from our Sunday gatherings and from our community groups so that people get to know key Gate point people along with the vision of Gate Church Community and Mosaic learning community.
Ensure an emphasis for prayer at large-gatherings as well as mid-week prayer group(s), recruiting, training and equipping leaders to facilitate in a way that is respectful for all people.
Maintain a healthy relationship with the Board of Directors, serving as the Lead Pastor (a non-voting board-member) in a governance framework.
Recruit and maintain (as desired) a Leadership Support Team to assist with the administration of the office and care ministries as well as church-communications, special event ministries, and other Gate Church initiated ministry projects. Work with Board and ministry leads to ensure healthy practices and communication between all parties so the ministry and church work without hindrance.
Oversee and manage our legal charity requirements, ensuring compliance and high ethical standards in all aspects of human resources, financial and obligatory commitments.
Pastoral Profile
- While education and previous experience relate to this role, we place greater weight on God’s call and gifting on a person’s life.
- A degree in Pastoral or Church ministry from a recognized post-secondary school, or working on such a degree, would be an asset.
- Two (2) years’ relevant experience in the ministry leadership field would be an asset.
- Two (2) years’ relevant experience in a support/volunteer ministry role would be an asset.
- Current Criminal Record Check.
- Current Child Abuse Registry Check.
- A love for God’s people – authentic concern for the welfare of others and a good listener.
- Able to bring people together in unity & reconciliation.
- Strives to meet the qualifications of a leader as found in 1&2 Timothy and Titus.
Interested in hearing more about the Gate Church Community?
If, after prayerfully reviewing this information, you sense this role and our church culture would be a good fit for you, please contact us.
We would love to receive your cover letter and resume, or feel free to simply reach out for a conversation to learn more.